


The committee will meet Bi monthly. We discuss all matters swimming orientated with particular regard to the running of Aqua Force Swimming Academy. The agenda consists of Correspondence received; the Coaches report; the Treasurers report; Fundraising, SwimMark reports and; and any Other Business.


If you have anything you would like the committee to discuss during ‘Any Other Business’, please speak to a committee member. Here are the elected committee for 2022/23

Elected Committee

Name Positions
Alison Middleton Director of Swimming Head Coach
Nova Arnell Chairman
Marion Mayes Secretary
Vacant (Nova Arnell) SwimMark Co-ordinator
Carly Lupton Membership Swim England Registration Secretary
Carol Boagey Treasurer
Debbie Anderson Welfare Officer
Joanne Boynton Gala Secretary
Mark Anderson Communications Officer
 Abi Curtis  Workforce Development Officer

Anyone interested in helping with the running of the Academy should speak to a member of the committee. All help is appreciated and full training will be given.

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