
We are looking to recruit volunteers for the following positions


Poolside Assistant – Minimum age 13 years.

Applications are invited from members aged between 13 years and 18 years of age. This course is held at Dyke House and will consist of one three hours theory and three one hour practical sessions. The course is currently free of charge. Dates for future events will be listed on the website.

Level 1 Teachers – Minimum age 16 years

Applications are invited from those currently holding a UKCC ASA Level 1 Award in Teaching Aquatics (QCF), or those who would be interested in gaining this award. Courses are held throughout the region. This qualification currently costs £395 per candidate.

Level 2 Teachers – Minimum age 17 years

Applications are invited from those currently holding a UKCC ASA Level 2 Award in Teaching Aquatics (QCF) or from those who currently hold a Level 1 Award in Teaching Aquatics who wish to progress to a Level 2 Award. Courses are held throughout the region. This qualification currently costs £680 per candidate.

Level 1 Coaches – Minimum age 16 years

Applications are invited from those currently holding a UKCC ASA Level 1 Award in Coaching Swimming (QCF), or those who would be interested in gaining this award. Courses are held throughout the region. This qualification currently costs £395 per candidate.

Level 2 Coaches – Minimum age 17 years

Applications are invited from those currently holding a UKCC ASA Level 2 Award in Coaching Swimming (QCF) or from those who currently hold a Level 1 Award in Coaching Swimming who wish to progress to a Level 2 Award. Courses are held throughout the region. This qualification currently costs £680 per candidate.


Anyone wishing to volunteer for the above positions should register their interest with Alison Middleton (Head Coach), Abi Curtis (Volunteer Co-ordinator) or any Member of the Aquaforce Committee or via email to swimacademynews@googlemail.com

Please feel free to discuss any aspect of volunteering with Alison, Nova, Abi or any Member of the Aquaforce Committee. All help is appreciated!



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